Icons600x600 icon of your character shoulder up$45
FullbodyCell shaded fullbody with transparent or simple background$95
ReferenceIncludes two flat fullbodies and a headshot$150+
Full PieceFullbody with a background - Experimental (additional characters +$95)$150+
XylotolFull PieceShading
AllieOutfit ref 

This is a terms of service agreement (hence forth referred to as the "agreement") made effective upon time of payment by and between the artist (hereby referred to as "Mansery") and the individual purchasing the commission (hereby referred to as the "commissioner")These terms are subject to change with out any notice, edits may be marked. This agreement is effective on all websites and platforms.Mansery can deny a commission for any reason without explanation.Payment is due upfront before any time is put into the piece. USD is the only accepted currency (with exception to digital currency when specified). Payment can only be sent via paypal or venmo.In the event of dissatisfaction with the initial sketch, Mansery will create a second rendition. It is worth noting that the first iteration may be repurposed for use in another piece.The art piece commissioned may appear in Mansery's gallery, advertisements, or portfolio unless the commissioner specifies otherwise, in doing so they may receive an additional charge.The piece can be posted by the commissioner anywhere as long as the piece is credited.Commissions may not be used commercially unless it is discussed pre-payment.Commissions can be modified slightly, but not past recognition.Any not safe for work (NSFW) commissions may cost more than the prices listed.- Refunds are applicable only when no work has been started. Once the piece has been sketched, the commissioner is ineligible to request a refund.--- Upon refund request, the commissioner may face potential blacklisting, precluding them from engaging in future commissions with Mansery. The specific conditions governing such actions may differ.--- Requests for refunds are permissible in cases where a commission has been started but remains incomplete for a duration exceeding six months. In this scenario the commissioner will not be faulted.